Our Oakland Hotline is on Pause |
Dear Oakland Tenants, The COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of immense grief and transition. At CJJC, our organizational capacity has been reduced– which is impacting our Oakland Tenant hotline. We are working through a backlog of calls that have come in throughout the pandemic. It takes time, and thoughtfulness to respond to the increased need for tenant services in Oakland. Because of these factors, CJJC’s Oakland Tenant hotline is on “pause” and not receiving new calls at this time. We have been evaluating our Programs to ensure we are both meeting the needs of our members and broader community facing housing injustices — while also noting where we are making impact. As we address shifts in our staff and model of how we conduct our programming, we have had some humbling discussions about what is needed moving forward. We apologize for any strain this causes you. We have worked hard to keep the Tenants Rights Hotline open for over a decade because we know that thousands of renters in our city need and deserve support and information in order to stay housed. Our inability to respond to calls in a timely fashion has already had an impact on those seeking our services. We know that our decision to take a pause on accepting new calls will also be impactful. In the meantime, if you are facing issues with harassment, eviction, rent increases, or repairs, please explore this website for resources. Through our website, you can access information and resources, as well as a tool to help you write a letter to your landlord. If you receive an Unlawful Detainer notice, please note that you have 5 calendar days from the day you received it to respond. Failure to respond within 5 days, can put you at risk of losing your eviction case in court. Click here to connect with a legal organization for help responding. CJJC will continue to engage in campaigns and direct actions that fight against displacement. We are committed to fighting together to make sure everyone has access to safe and dignified housing. Yours in struggle, The team at Causa Justa :: Just Cause |