Regardless of if the situation gets rectified right away or not, you are able to pursue this further. You have the option to sue your landlord through small claims court or with a lawyer (affirmitive lawsuit).
Small Claims- Process usually lasts a few months or less and you can only receive up to $10,000 in damages. Clinics like East Bay Community Law Center can help prep for these cases. Look up East Bay Community Law Center under resources for more information.

Affirmitive Lawsuit- Long process and can be expensive. Most lawyers are likely to take this case only if damages have accumulated. Examples of accumulated damages are: having this issue for a really long time or damages being really extensive. Look up lawyers under resources to start an affirmitive process.

If you live in a rent controlled unit (Do I have Rent Control?), you are able to file a Rent Adjustment Program Petition to get your rent reduced. This might be most helpful if you end up having to put a bill under your name that you didn’t have to pay when you originally signed a lease.