Is the eviction reason listed in the notice one of the following?
- Failure to pay the rent;
- Violating the lease;
- Committing a nuisance;
- Committing Waste (damaging the property);
- The tenant refuses to sign a lease extension or renewal – provided the lease is of similar duration and with similar provisions as the previous lease;
- Criminal activity on the residence, or criminal activity/threat directed at the landlord or agent of the landlord;
- Subletting contrary to lease restrictions;
- Refusal to let the landlord enter the unit in order to make repairs, in case of emergency, after the tenant abandons the property, or under court order;
- Using the property for unlawful purposes;
- Failing to vacate after the tenant is terminated as an employee, licensee, or agent of the landlord; OR
- The tenant fails to vacate after providing written notice of their intent to vacate the property, or after an offer to surrender is accepted by the landlord.